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Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Therapy for Anxiety

What are the symptoms of anxiety?


Anxiety symptoms can vary from mild to severe, and can often include:

  • Feeling nervous, restless, tense, or on edge

  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom and heightened alertness

  • Having difficulty controlling worry 

  • Racing thoughts or uncontrollable overthinking

  • Concentration difficulties or thinking about anything other than the present worry

  • Feeling weak or tired

  • Having trouble sleeping, falling, or staying asleep

  • Changes in appetite

  • Heavy and fast breathing (hyperventilation), hot flashes or blushing, sweating, fast heartbeat, dry mouth, shaking, dizziness, and fainting

  • Unexplained hair loss

  • Extreme tiredness or lack of energy

  • Trembling

  • Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety or wanting to escape from your situation


Anxiety can have devastating effects on your mental health. It can cause you to overthink about the future, feel terrified by the worst possibilities, and worry about small issues. This harmful thought process can be overwhelming and interfere with your daily life, work, and relationships. Your worries may not go away on their own; over time, you can miss out on life and find that your symptoms get worse if you don't seek help.


How to cope with anxiety


In order to cope with anxiety, you can take initiative and begin changing your lifestyle to reduce your stress. Making healthy lifestyle adjustments provides your mind a refreshing, beneficial chance to find peace. 


A healthy lifestyle includes: 

  • Exercising: Partaking in physical activities at least 3 times a week can help reduce the level of stress hormones in your body. Exercise also produces a helpful endorphin that is regarded as a natural pain killer.  

  • Eating healthy: Consuming nutritious foods, vegetables, and fruits can organically reduce your overall stress. Minimizing caffeine and sugar from your diet is also highly important.

  • Staying hydrated: Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for your body to feel stressed. Drinking water can reduce your stress level and cleanse toxins from your body.

  • Sleep: Getting enough sleep—usually 7 to 8 hours a night—helps reduce stress while keeping both your mind and body healthy. 

  • Finding a hobby: Partaking in activities that spark joy is a great way to combat stress.

  • Social support: Calling a friend and seeking support from your social circle can help you cope with a stressful situation.

  • Taking breaks: Going on vacation, taking breaks from work, or temporarily removing yourself from stressful life conditions are integral in preventing burn out. 

  • Effective time management: Sometimes, scheduling weekly or daily tasks can help prevent stress. Stress often leads to procrastination, making it difficult to manage everyday life.

  • Getting sunlight

  • Walking in nature 

  • Relaxation exercises

  • Practicing mindfulness meditation

  • Journaling

  • Getting a massage


Effective Therapy for Anxiety


With the help of therapy, we can guide you toward understanding the foundational root of the problem. Perhaps your past traumas, family conflicts, emotional- narcissistic abuse, your loss, and/or negative experiences might be the underlying causes for anxious feelings. Regardless of the cause, we can work together to find the underlying reasons behind your anxiety.


With Brainspotting, we can work together to process those overwhelming feelings. Brainspotting is a therapeutic technique designed to help individuals access, process, and release trauma and emotional pain. It operates on the principle that “where you look affects how you feel”. By using this concept, Brainspotting helps locate, focus on, and release stored emotional and physical pain by focusing on eye position. It guides your gaze to establish a clear connection between your body and mind, facilitating the processing and release of deeply held emotions and memories. Because it helps people access deeper emotions quickly, Brainspotting can be more rapid and effective than traditional talk therapy.


Evidence-based therapies have been found to be very effective in the treatment of anxiety. I received training in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety from the Beck Institute. Most clients who struggle with anxiety respond well to CBT. With our CBT knowledge, we can help you develop a different way of thinking, reacting, and behaving, enabling you to overcome your anxiety. We can help you learn new skills and methods to manage anxiety, cope with emotions, face your difficulties, and increase your mindfulness.



How to cope with anxiety

Ready to Schedule?


We offer both online therapy sessions and in-person therapy sessions in Bucks County, PA. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please request an appointment.


If you have any other questions or you need additional information on therapy for anxiety in Bucks County, PA please feel free to call, text and/or email us.


I am looking forward to hearing from you!

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